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You Can Do It, But ...

Use the PACE YOURSELF Principle.  

The excitement of a new year will get you motivated on so many levels.  You will start off seeking to do everything you did not accomplish the previous year.  Your "To Do List" and strategic planning will drive you to write down everything you did not complete in the previous year, as well as the things you want to do in the new year. Because of the initial excitement and hope for the new year, as well as completing old projects, you move at an accelerated speed for about a month, maybe two. Then the excitement begins to wear low becuase of the tremendous pressure you are under. Now, excuses, and many valid, for not completing items on the to-do-list begin to chisel at all your goals and plans.  Normally after the third month of the New Year, things are back to the way they have been - a bit of progress, but nothing sustainable for all the projects on the list.    What has happened?


Well, there can be a number of things. However, one thing should be considered and that is learning how to pace projects on a laundry list of to-dos into our daily living.  This principle will not only excite you, but actually keep you accomplishing your goals as you live your daily life.  Pacing helps you to place things that need to be done in an order based on a time frame. For instance, if there are four major projects that need to be completed or implemented within the year, then you will need to plan and pace. Since there are twelve months in a year, then you can divide the four projects into the year very nicely.  Provided that you do not allow procrastination to enter into the process, you can effectively accomplish projects and goals, while still living in the responsibilities of day to day living.  There will be no heavy burden of pressure and guilt for not completing everything.  


It is more productive to pace projects, than to have tons of projects that get started but never come to completion!  Figure out the most important, pace them, and get them done.  You can and will do it!!

Dr. Libby Weaver:  Holistic Nutrition Specialist

"The Pace of Modern Life .....  The Rushing Woman Syndrome"

Too much food or not enough food;  too much alcohol or caffine;  or spending beyond our means; are we running ourselves ragged trying to be all things to all people? Are you sacrificing your health to make everyone else happy?  Have you over committed yourself?  Will a crisis have to happen to you?  The "Juggling" woman!! How is it working for you?  Super Woman or Stressed Woman?  What is driving the modern woman?  What are the consequences of false beliefs?  Stress maybe keeping you over weight?  Explore how you eat, drink, think, move, perceive, and believe!  Breathe & Relax!!  Women have a beautiful heart, but false beliefs can affect our mental and physical state!  


Ladies, let's hear and consider the wisdom shared by this leader.  Let's give ourselves the oxygen, first!  No more FRANTIC PACES!


"How Soul Ties are Formed"

"How to Untie a Layered and Strong Soul-Tie"


Enjoy the videos!! Learn some interesting information about soul ties, how they form, and how to break them.





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