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This may seem like a silly question, but it is not. May women have morphed into what others have wanted them to become in life.  Often this is not done from a malicious stance. Perhaps because they were talented at much or seemingly talented at little, so others picked their path for them. Now that they are grown, there seems to be an unrest inside them.  It is purpose (the real them)beckoning from deep within their heart to EMERGE & LIVE!  This is very difficult to look at sometimes, because years have passed, and the question of how to start over again becomes overwhelming to the mind.  However, many women realize that they MUST embrace the JOURNEY to becoming who they really are.  Life will never be fulfilling until they KNOW & BECOME THEMSELVES.  
take back



Why did you give control of your life away? There could be a multiplicity of answers. However, you will never be happy allowing others to manipulate and control your life. When you give away your RIGHT to THINK, ASSESS, CONTEMPLATE, ANALYZE, QUESTION, TEST, and DECIDE, then you have become a SLAVE to others thoughts and opinions for whatever the reason. How can you take back your life when you have allowed it to be taken from you? Start with your mind and words! Give yourself permission to decide who and what others can speak into your life. Any word that, or person who, seeks to dominate and manipulate your thoughts and ultimately your life must be rejected and dismissed by you.  Normally, people closest to you have the most influence over your thinking, and they often exert their wills over yours. Beware! They will resist your independence because they are in the habit of your submission to their thoughts, but be courageous, bold, and strong, and take back your life.  It belongs to YOU!  

Let Us Hear
from You


Your Kindness.


Kindness means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Will you be a part of the movement?  Can you just help someone just because it is kind, generous, and considerate?  Kindness is contagious, selfless, and simple.  Kind people are the spice of life;  they make life sweet and bearable.  Their kindness shows up at just the right time.  Take the challenge, and be a part of the KINDNESS MOVEMENT! It will be a blessing to OTHERS and YOU.  


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Enhance Your Career
take IT

Rome was not built in a day!  This is a familiar adage with much truth.  Be clear about your plans and goals. Then approach them step by step.  This guarantees progress.  Let this song by musical legend Witney Houston light a fire under you as you go forward step by step.  



Know that


           Without YOU!!!                        It's a Beautiful Day!!!                       

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